01 July 2005

Den Haag ain't as bad as it sounds

Okay, hate me if you're Dutch, but the way the language sounds when spoken does sound a little strange...I suppose it's that I'm not that use to really guttural languages.

Anyway, I left Amsterdam and all its attendant potential, near disasters. That's right...good-bye smoke shops (coffee shop, my ass!) and smart shops (no, they don't smell smartie candies) and red-light, red-hot panties district, and all the other immature shit and people, whether you're a German high school kid who dresses like you belong in the red light district or some 50 year-old Canadian dude opining, in an attempt to get attention from two Australian chicks, about the horrors of cops pulling you over in the totalitarian nation of the USA. So, whether they were suffering from mid-life crises or quarter-life crises (what the hell is that?!, c'mon, are we gonna have quarter-mid-life crises next?)

To hell with Amsterdam! Den Haag (The Hague, in English) is a big city with a definite small town feel and combines amazing old-world charming architecture with modern steel skyscrapers that actually look pretty damn amazing. Been here for about eight hours and already a fan.